Undated Junior Weekly Agenda Sheets

Undated Junior Weekly Agenda Sheets
Our Undated Junior Weekly Agenda Sheets are perfect for concise planning of your week ahead. There are vertical blocks for each day of the week as well as a note section at the bottom of each page, which can be used for general to do lists or items not to forget. In terms of layout, the vertical blocks for Monday to Friday have quarter inch lines for every half an hour from 8 am to 8 pm. Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, have unnumbered lines. The notes section is blank, giving you the freedom to write notes, diagrams or doodles! You can use the space under the day of the week to write the date, or add the dates to the top of the page. Our sheets are punched for use with discbound notebooks and planners.
Quantity: 52 double sided sheets (104 pages).
Paper: Heavyweight 32lb bond (120 gsm) white paper.
Dimensions: US Half Letter (Junior) size, 5 ½ × 8 ½ inches.
Margins: ½ inch margin on punched edge and ¼ inch margins elsewhere.
Compatibility: Fits Levenger Circa, Staples Arc, Office Depot TUL, and other 8-disc junior-sized discbound systems.