Undated Junior Daily Agenda Sheets

Undated Junior Daily Agenda Sheets
Our Undated Junior Daily Agenda Sheets are perfect for planning your days right down to the half hour! There are boxes for writing the date at the top of each page underneath which there is a space to write your daily goals. This is great for planning ahead and organizing what you want to achieve each day. There is space for half-hour appointments from 8 am to 5 pm to the right of which is a blank column for notes, giving you loads of space to write notes and key information throughout your day, whether linked to something written in a time slot or not. Finally, there is a section at the bottom of each page where you can write a list of actions for the next day. This is a perfect place for reflection at the end of each day! In terms of layout, all ruled lines measure a quarter inch. Our sheets are punched for use with discbound notebooks and planners.
Quantity: 50 double sided sheets (100 pages).
Paper: Heavyweight 32lb bond (120 gsm) white paper.
Dimensions: US Half Letter (Junior) size, 5 ½ × 8 ½ inches.
Margins: ½ inch margin on punched edge and ¼ inch margins elsewhere.
Compatibility: Fits Levenger Circa, Staples Arc, Office Depot TUL, and other 8-disc junior-sized discbound systems.